Everything for Electronics

Show issues for

December 2007

Nuts and Volts Magazine

Build This Programmable Intervalometer



HDTV Buyer’s Guide

So, after reading my last article on the end of analog broadcasting, you’ve decided to purchase a new Digital TV. A look around the electronics superstores, as well as smaller boutique, high-end AV stores reveals a multitude of choices...

Prototyping with Surface Mount Components

Let’s face the facts: through-hole components are a thing of the past. Like the vacuum tube, they will gradually disappear from general use except for specialized applications such as those requiring high power (e.g., power transistors, high wattage resis

Basic Analog Power Supply Design

Start to finish instructions on how to build your own power supply.


Build A Model Railroad Crossing Signal

Creating authentic looking models is a passion of mine. To enhance my model railroad setup, a realistic (but inexpensive!) crossing signal was just the ticket.

Field Programmable Intervalometer

I have always had an interest in animation and time lapse photography. With a digital camera, I found that making time lapse movies became fun and economical...

Vixen Lights The Way

Vixen doesn’t come with a traditional installer so I’m going to walk you through the steps to get it up and running on your Windows PC...

Build A Wireless Weather System: Part 4

In the last three installments, you built the three satellites shown in Figure 2. I showed you how to transmit and collect basic data...


by Jeff Eckert
Positronium Observed in Lab
In case you’re not up on particle physics, note that when an electron meets its antimatter counterpart — the positron — this generally results in mutual annihilation and the release of a couple gamma rays...

In The Spotlight
by Marvin Mallon
An Interview with Chris Harriman of NetMedia
This month’s spotlight is on NetMedia, Inc., a Tucson, AZ firm that has been in business since 1993

Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
How Far Can You Go?
With the number of wireless standards, products, and applications increasing almost hourly, it is a rare day in which any of us will go without some wireless usage.

by Ron Hackett
Welcome To The Power Of PICAXE
Welcome to the first installment of PICAXE Primer, a column dedicated to “spreading the word” about the ease, power, and versatility of programming and project-building with the unique microcontrollers.

Personal Robotics
by Vern Graner
The Ponginator
When we think of personal robotics, we usually think of personal as referring to size, i.e., a personal digital assistant or a personal computer. Things that usually are small enough to fit in a shoe box or at least fit on your workbench...

by Russell Kincaid
In this column, I answer questions about all aspects of electronics, including computer hardware, software, circuits, electronic theory, troubleshooting, and anything else of interest to the hobbyist.

The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
Ordering Drinks Over The ‘Net
If you’ve been keeping up with Design Cycle, we’ve been implementing Internet protocol code with PICBASIC PRO and in the rush you have been exposed to a variety of the Internet protocols and the PICs they run under.

Getting Started With PICS
by Chuck Hellebuyck, Dave Baker
Stocking Your Lab
One of the more common emails I receive involves recommendations on which PIC® microcontroller (MCU) should be stocked in the home lab.


The Robot Controller That Does It All
by Nuts & Volts Magazine
Effiicient Computer Systems, LLC announces the BOTLOGIC Controller.

Developing Perspectives
by Bryan Bergeron
Please visit our Developing Perspective's blog to read the full article and comment.