Everything for Electronics

J. Ronald Eyton

Ronald's Articles

Weather Projects For The Electronic Enthusiast
January 2006
Two easy undertakings for individuals who like electronics and who also like to watch the weather are presented in this article. Essentially, they are “nuts” and mostly no “volts” projects.

Panorama Mania
June 2006
Like to shoot panoramas with your hand-held digital camera, but don’t like the final “stitched” results? Cure hand-held problems with this easy-to-build, two digital camera panorama shooting platform utilizing a modified infrared remote.

Long-Range Stereo Microphones
July 2006
Friends, birders, electronics enthusiasts, lend me your ears so that you may listen to faraway sounds using these easily built long-range stereo microphones.

Optoelectronic Gift Wrapping
December 2006
How about handing her a Valentine’s Day present that contains a raised heart surrounded by a bright red halo and plays Let Me Call You Sweetheart at the same time, or giving your favorite person a birthday gift wrapped in ribbons of blue electroluminescent wire with a lit LED panel name tag. An anniversary gift wrapped in silver paper and covered with 18 illuminated white tea roses is sure to please, as is a Christmas present enclosed in a seasonal tin adorned with a wreath of lights...

Tilt Lights
October 2007
These simple-to-build tilt light projects were designed to please different members of the family.There’s a tilt flashlight for mom, a tilt emergency light for dad, a tilt curio box light for a little girl, and a tilt dump truck light for a little boy...
