Everything for Electronics

Cool Reads Newsletter

December 12, 2016: Newsletter #70
The Sky's The Limit... Or Is It?

With the recent passing of American hero, John Glenn, there has been a lot of reminiscing on the space program in the 60's and 70's. Since many of our Long Time readers got started in electronics during this era, it seems only right to take a moment and share some thoughts on the technology of the time.

What do you think were some of the more remarkable accomplishments with the available technologies that we would take for granted today?

Were/are you involved in the space program?
If so, in what capacity?
What unique challenges did you face and how were they resolved?

Let's hear about it!  

Footnote - Our Nuts & Volts founder was an engineer on the Apollo project. If that were not the case, you might not be reading this right now! 
