Everything for Electronics

George R. Steber

George's Articles

The Birth of the Integrated Circuit
February 2022
The creation of the integrated circuit (IC) stands as one of the most important inventions of mankind.

The Story of the Transistor
April 2019
A journey through the history that led to the most important invention of the 20th century.

Dark Energy and the Expanding Universe
February 2019
Explore concepts such as energy density and negative pressure as it relates to our universe.

The Discovery of Radio Waves
January 2019
Take a look back at how the serious study of radio waves was launched.

Receiving Data with Web Based Shortwave Radios
June 2017
Discover the secrets to utilizing free Web based shortwave radio receivers.

An Ultra Modern Shortwave Radio
July 2015
A simple circuit, a USB TV tuner, your computer, and some powerful (free!) software combine to make an amazing software defined communications receiver for around $25.

Receiving Data with a Low Cost Shortwave Radio
May 2015
A computer, some powerful software, and a shortwave receiver combine to make decoding many types of radio transmissions possible.

The Radio Whisperer
January 2012
The simplicity of the WSPR receiver described here makes it attractive as a low cost radio propagation tool.

A Low Cost RF Impedance Analyzer
February 2008
A voltmeter, signal generator, and a few parts combine to make a powerful impedance measuring tool.
