Everything for Electronics

Steve Koci

Steve's Articles

Create the Ultimate Talking Skull with the Wee Little Talker
September 2017
The talking skull kit gets a brain boost with the Wee Little Talker: an all-in-one controller board.

Haunting 201 — Thirteen Electronic Projects to Elevate Your “Scare Game”
September 2015
Continuing with the idea from last year’s special Halloween edition, here are some ghoulish ideas to take this year’s haunts up to the next level — electronically, of course!

Automating Your Haunt Using PICAXE Microcontrollers
September 2014
Instead of actors running your haunt, use electronics instead.

Haunting 101: The Basics of Boo
September 2014
Here are 13 prop ideas to get you started in haunting.
