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Show issues for

June 2011

Nuts and Volts Magazine

Build The Bat Detector



How I Scratch-Built a Five Foot Long Radio-Controlled Submarine - Part 2

This time in, we'll look at the actual assembly of the components into the overall body of the Alfa sub itself. 0511

Using a Graphics Library With the 32-Bit Micro Experimenter

Extend current Experimenter applications using graphics and text in displays simultaneously.


Build a Bat Detector

Bats use echolocation to navigate. This bat detector will give you a look inside their hidden world and can even be used to identify different species.


by Jeff Eckert
TechKnowledgey 2011
This time, read about a new spin on lightwaves, $100/GB storage, making green fun, plus some other interesting stuff.

by Ron Hackett
Introducing the PICAXE AXE401 Shield Base.

by Russell Kincaid
Q & A
A rotary switch replacement, DC power filtering, and a USB battery charger are some of the topics covered this month.

Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
Smiley’s Workshop 35: avrtoolbox — Designing an Elementary Library:  Serial Communications
avrtoolbox — Designing an Elementary Library: Serial Communications — Part 35

The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
The Design Cycle
Pedaling the STC12C5A6OS2 from STC Microcontroller.

Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
Open Communication
New Communications Device: The Tablet Computer.

Fundamentals For Beginners
by Nuts & Volts Magazine
Build a Dual Burglar Alarm
In this experiment, we will build an useful burglar alarm circuit for normally-closed and normally-open alarm systems.