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Pulse Sensor

There is a new version of Pulse Sensor code now up on the Pulse Sensor Code Downloads page! The new version (version 0.6)  is a significant update and we advise everyone to use it.   From our tests, it makes the Pulse Sensor more accurate and reliable on whole.

In detail, changes include:

  1.  A digital filter for better signal processing.
  2. Automatic update of heart rate (BPM).
  3. Automatic update of time between beats (HRV) with 1mS resolution !
  4. Sensor data samples are taken every 1mS, timed by an interrupt generated by Timer1.
  5. Access to both raw sensor data and filtered sensor data (b/c we know you want that) !

[Source] Hackedgadgets via http://pulsesensor.com/

