Everything for Electronics

Show issues for

June 2013

Nuts and Volts Magazine

Build Your Own Electric Guitar



The Lost Art of Strip Board Prototyping

Everything you need to know to use this timeless technique to wire up circuits for prototyping or functional applications.


Building an Electric Guitar

This project will be music to your ears if you’ve ever wanted to construct your own stringed axe. Building this guitar — while not your typical Nuts & Volts project — was a lot of fun.

An Electronic Photocell for Lighting Control

This simple electronic version of a photocell makes it convenient to do lighting control without the use of the sun.


by Jeff Eckert
Events, Advances, and News (6.2013)
Printing a pancreas, a REALLY big tablet, a barometer for smartphones, and an app contest with $50,000 in prize money are some of the topics talked about this time.

by Ron Hackett
Getting Started With Surface-Mount Soldering
Getting Started With Surface-Mount Soldering. In order to finish our multiplexed LED project, we’ll need to construct a strip board version of the circuit.

by Russell Kincaid
Reader Questions Answered Here
IR sensors, batteries, electric fence indicators, datasheet errors, dial lamp modifications, garage door lights, intercom systems, DC-to-DC regulators, and high voltage regulators are discussed.

The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
Taming the DualShock 3 Beast
Taming the DualShock 3 Beast. Get ready to rumble with this Playstation game controller with USB driver code that gives access to all its pushbutton, joystick, and position sensor data.

Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
Making a Modern Radio
Take a look at how digital techniques have changed and improved analog radios.

Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
Smiley’s Workshop 59: Fritzingduino — Part 2
Let's further amass knowledge about how to become more independent in our development by adding a bootloader to our "Roll Your Own" Arduino using tools provided by the Arduino IDE. Part 59