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Show issues for

December 2012

Nuts and Volts Magazine

Create A Choose Your Own Adventure Game For A Boredom-Free Commute



Build Your Own Wireless Sensor Network Using XBee and the 32-bit Experimenter

Our 32-bit Experimenter board is back with two different wireless sensor network applications you can include in your next project.


Choose Your Own Adventure Game

This entertainment system for bored daily commuters lets you play while stuck in traffic and keep your eyes on the road.

The Desktop Contemplator

Create your own personal light show for your desktop.


by Jeff Eckert
Events, Advances, and News
There’s a dark energy survey underway, an LED lamp that features liquid cooling, and a way for you to drive the Mars rover, Curiosity. Read about all this and some other cool stuff.

by Ron Hackett
Sharpening Your Tools of Creativity
Wrapping Up and Moving On: The MCP9700A and Battery-Powered Systems.

by Russell Kincaid
Reader Questions Answered Here
Burned parts on a weed whip charger, a wireless listening device, and a model train speed controller are some of the topics covered this month.

Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
Smiley’s Workshop 53: Fritzing With the Arduino — Part 5
Finishing up our Fritzing workshops, Arduino proto shield, breadboard battery backuo, Arduino RTC. Part 53

Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
White Space Spectrum Benefits All Wireless Applications
Spectrum, of course, is the electromagnetic radio spectrum that all of our wireless devices occupy. This free space spectrum is allocated by governments to the various radio/TV broadcast and wireless services to avoid interference and conflicts between users. After years of wireless progress and growth, there is precious little spectrum left for further development.

The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
Using the MPLAB X Factor With Data Radios
The PIC18F46J13 was chosen for this project because of its unique capabilities and absence of built-in USB.