Everything for Electronics

Show issues for

February 2012

Nuts and Volts Magazine

The Battery That Wouldn’t Die



The Edison Cell

Rediscover the secrets of a 100 year old battery whose time may finally have come.


Channel Surfing With An Arduino

The Arduino is perfectly suited to emulate the IR remote controls associated with many modern appliances. If your TV recorder and tuner are different devices, this will allow you to change channels between scheduled recordings on whatever schedule suits you.

Creating a Virtual Serial Port With the 32-Bit Micro Experimenter

Need a serial port but don’t have one on your computer? No problem! We’ll show you how to use your Experimenter to provide virtual serial communications.


by Russell Kincaid
Q & A
Help with a random number generator, battery tester, LED dimmer, and a nonsense circuit are just some of the topics covered in this month’s column.

by Jeff Eckert
TechKnowledgey 2012
Read about a battery that offers a 25 year operating life, Clouds with ears, and seeing sound, to name a few. Plus, Pong turns 40.

by Ron Hackett
Constructing a two-digit seven segment LED project board.

The Design Cycle
by Fred Eady
The Design Cycle
CLC Culture.

Smiley’s Workshop
by Joe Pardue
Smiley’s Workshop 43: Breadboard LCD Navigator — Part 2
Breadboard LCD Navigator — Part 2-43 The Navigator Buttons.

Open Communication
by Louis E. Frenzel
Open Communication
Comm Kits — A radio kit is a great way to get familiar with electronics and communications.

Fundamentals For Beginners
Build a Moisture Detector
If you’d like to test plant soil for moisture, you can use this circuit to do so. The more moisture there is, the faster the LED will blink.


How do they do that?
by Bryan Bergeron
Reverse engineering is one of the most challenging and rewarding endeavors in electronics. I’m talking about replicating the functionality of a device that you’ve seen or read about but that’s too expensive or otherwise unavailable.