Everything for Electronics

John Mastromoro

John's Articles

A Multi-Stage High Speed Input Monitor
March 2014
This neat little device will help you make those close calls in high speed competitive events.

TouchTone Phone Controller
February 2010
This circuit offers the ability to control multiple AC devices using a TouchTone phone and off-the-shelf wireless transmitters.

Phone Ring-A-Thing Control
November 2009
Use your cell phone and this device as a receiver/decoder system to perform remote functions.

LED Weather-Proof Rubber Enclosure
December 2006
A short time ago, I was working on a small digital project hat required the use of circuit-status indication lights outside of the building that the device was installed in. LEDs, of course, were the appropriate choice for these indicators and, because of obvious weather conditions, etc., I had to use some sort of “weather-proof” enclosure for the LEDs. On my workbench was a package of those very common pencil-topper erasers that are simply inserted over the end of a pencil....
